Veterinary Referrals

Please scroll down to complete the web based referral, or download a copy of the referral form here.

Behaviour problems in companion animals can be complex in nature and in some cases may be related to present or past medical ailments. It’s therefore important for animals displaying signs of behavioural problems to have a veterinary examination before seeing an animal behaviourist.

I am a provisional member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors. I deliver a professional canine behaviour and equine behaviour referral service to vets across South Wales, providing your clients with behavioural advice and support. I follow the ethical and membership requirements of the APBC, working closely with referring veterinarians to ensure positive treatment outcomes for patients and owners. 

If you’d like to refer a behavioural case to me, then please make complete the online referral form below, or the contact form, by phone or email to introduce the case. To share an owner’s personal data with me, you’re required to gain their consent and to have referred them to my Privacy Policy. If they have not provided consent, please do not provide it; instead, please pass on my details to them for them to contact me.

Once the referral is in place I will visit the client, conduct the behaviour consultation and supply you with a summary of the behavioural report and modification program. The client will also receive at least one follow-up session and I will give you further feedback as they progress.

 If I have any concerns about the animal's welfare then I will make further contact with you to discuss how we can further help the client and their animal by working as a team. 

Please complete the form below, or download a copy of the referral form here.